Marca Satsch GallerySatsch Gallery

Festival Forma Función

The first edition of the independent festival of collectable art and design, held in the city of Buenos Aires, managed to bring together workshops, businesses and institutions with the objective of establishing a new cultural circuit.

The proposal, developed by Cintia Kazez, Deon Rubi and Sandra T. Hillar, was established in the neighborhoods of Paternal, Chacarita and the surrounding area, where each location has contributed to the production of its contents.

Satsch Gallery organized private visits to its space, while at the same time funding the development of ephemeral actions in order to collaborate with the field of creative research and urban intervention.

Locations: La Feliz, El Yeite, Imdi Iluminación, Fundación IDA, Concepción, Ries, Acorde, Labrado Estudio, a-f-u-e-r-a, Mueble escultura, Espinosa Estudios, Taller posible, Satsch Gallery Production: Mueble escultura & Satsch Gallery GD: Lamas Burgariotti Date: 08/11/2023 to 12/11/2023

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Festival Forma Función
Satsch Gallery